AISIS Prizes
May 11, 2021 (updated Sep 30, 2021)
An AISIS prize will be awarded for each of the pillars: Science, Industry and Society, based on the video contributions visible in the Sessions and Contributions section, evaluated by the full symposium programme committee, according to our evaluation criteria as follows:
Is AI being used in an interesting and/or innovative way to solve the task of interest?
Is the contribution confined to a very specific topic of interest, or is it more generally of relevance to the community? We would like to promote interdisciplinary activities.
Is the contribution relevant to only one of the AISIS pillars (science, industry, and society), or is it transversal and thus of importance for the full community?
Is the presentation accessible? Can people from other sessions understand both what is being done, and the importance of what is being done?
The winners will be awarded with a plenary talk in the final Prizes session of the symposium to convey their ideas to the symposium, and will receive a certificate of recognition for their excellent contribution.